It’s time for the International Sports Community to grow up
I will always remember a senior official from a large International Sport Federation telling me a few years ago that their core social responsibility programme was to build the « House representing their Sport ». The latest sexual abuse scandal hitting the French Ice Skating Federation should be a wake-up call to all Sports Federations, both national... Read More
Davos : Is the World Elite forgetting the Middle Class ?
As a keen observer of world affairs and advocacy lecturer, I thoroughly enjoy watching from a distance the World Elite self-congratulate itself on how it will save the poor, the sick and the planet. Leaving aside the really enjoyable sights of Executives in suit and dress walking (sometimes sliding) along these icy streets in brand new... Read More
Five lessons from running my own business
1. Treat each client and each project as if they were the only one you had Your business model as an independent relies on recurring clients and referrals, not pitches. Therefore, your reputation is your key, meaning that every job deserves your best attention and flawless delivery. Yes, juggling between short-term income and medium-term marketing... Read More
It’s not the messenger, it’s the message, stupid !
The best communication and advocacy training I ever received when working in the food business was to go through the certification of running a fast food restaurant. It translated internal jargon into a deep understanding of the practicalities of that business, allowed me to identify misperceptions about the company and highlighted stories that I could... Read More
Trust is the next currency for communicators
When asked about their job, communicators often talk about building/protecting reputation or influencing perceptions about an organisation, a product or a person. In tomorrow’s (today’s already?) world, it will be about building trust. Trust with your multiple audiences – employees, customers, investors or officials – trust about what you do, why you do it and how... Read More
Geneva: the new El Dorado for corporate affairs professionals
After London and Brussels, is Geneva becoming the becoming the most important corporate affairs hub in Europe? This may well be the case as demand for skilled communicators will increase in the coming years as intense competition for a larger share of voice in public policy debates and an improved reputation is becoming a priority... Read More
CLC Consultant offers headhunting services by joining Ellwood Atfield
CLC Consultant is delighted to formalise its advocacy training offer with a tailored two-day in-house workshop for profit and non-profit organisations. The first day will cover the following elements: Similarities and differences between advocacy and public affairs Key trends affecting global advocacy and public affairs Business imperatives to engage in public affairs Comparisons between... Read More
My Top 5 Communications Resolutions for the New Year
As I am about to take my last flight of the year from Brussels back to Geneva, it’s time to reflect a bit on this fading – and quite extraordinary – year and the upcoming one. Given that this is the season to decide on new ways of doing things, I made a few Resolutions... Read More
When was the last time you tested your crisis procedures?
If anyone knows about money that’s Warren Buffett, whose quote “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it” is now famous. Yet, it seems that preparing for a crisis is still considered by many companies – large or small – as a “nice to have” compared to say a Marketing or... Read More
Small is beautiful
Recent discussions with clients and contacts confirmed some of my assumptions in their interest to work with a small consulting firm. Here’s the download : Organizational budgets for external advocacy and communication support tend to shrink when the going gets tough. This means that project work is becoming the norm vs. annual retainers. As a consequence, clients with limited budgets... Read More